nanoCAD Raster module

2. Converting raster graphics to vector format. Setting conversion parameters.

Open file NC_Mech.dwg.

1. Run the R2V Conversion Options command (Ribbon: Raster>Conversion>R2V Conversion Options or Toolbar Raster to Vector> R2V Conversion Options).

2. On the Recognition tab, mark Lines (line types and arrows), Arcs and Circles (line types and arrows), Text Area (OCR), Hatches (±45°).

3. On the Options tab, set the maximum width, maximum break, text height, arrow size, set the accuracy and adjust the orthogonalization.

4. To set the maximum width, press Measure the value opposite to the Maximum thickness field and cross the widest line of the drawing. The resulting value makes sense to increase slightly.

In this example, set the maximum thickness 1.5 mm.

5. Set the maximum ignored break in raster lines. Set the break to 0.5 mm.

6. To set the height of the text, click Measure the value opposite to the Text Height field and measure the maximum height of the text.

7. To set the size of the arrow, click Measure the value opposite to the Arrow Size field and circle the arrow with a rectangular frame.

8. Set the accuracy to low values and enable orthogonalization.

9. On the Separate tab, configure the properties of the vector objects to be created (width, layer, color).

10. To divide the interval (from 0 to 1.5 mm) into several ranges (from 0 to 0.8 mm and from 0.8 mm to 1.5 mm), left-click in the appropriate place in the ruler of the thickness table.

11. Enable the Use Table checkbox.

12. For the first range, set the width - 0.25 mm, layer - 1, color - red. For the second one, set the width - 0.5 mm, layer - 2, color - green.

13. On the Texts tab, set the horizontal and vertical orientation of the text, include Free-standing letters, set the file with OCR characters default.ocr.

To configure OCR, you need to specify a set of word templates. A word pattern is a rule that specifies the allowed sequence of characters within a single recognized word. The OCR module will recognize only those words that match one of the specified patterns.

Buttons Add template and Delete Template control the composition of the list of word templates.

The following is a formal description of the definition of the word template:

[% [length] character type] || [letter]] …

Parameters for defining a word template

 Parameter  Value
 [%]  Beginning of character sequence definition
 [length]  Any decimal number; missing with variable length
 [type]  Character Type (D, E, e, N, n, S)
 [letter]  Single letter

Encoding symbol types

 Character encoding  Decryption 
    D  Digits
    E  Upper case letters of the English alphabet (first alphabet)
    e  Lowercase letters of the English alphabet (first alphabet)
    N  Uppercase letters of the national alphabet.
    n  Lowercase letters of the national alphabet.
    S  Special characters (plus and minus signs, equal sign, etc.)
     %%  Single character "%"
     [letter]  Single character 

For example:

The Rz%D pattern corresponds to words that start with "Rz", followed by any sequence of digits, for example, "Rz40", "Rz2.5", "Rz5000".

The template %1N%n corresponds to the words of the national alphabet with the uppercase first letter, for example "Hanover", "Oslo".

The template %D%% corresponds to the words of the following type: "20%", "1100%", "12.50%".

The %DV template corresponds to the words of the following type: "5V", "220V", "13.8V”.

In the Height Table field, specify the possible heights of the texts. If you check the box, when generating recognized texts, the OCR module will create text objects with heights from this list, rounding the recognized height to the nearest one specified in the list.

The configured conversion parameters can be saved in the parameter set file (*.tpl) by clicking the Template button.
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