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Line Types

CAD drafting Line Types 0    Ribbon: Home – Annotation > CAD software Line Types 1 Line Types

CAD drawing Line Types 2   Menu: Format – CAD drafting Line Types 3 Styles…

CAD software Line Types 4 Command line: LINETYPE

Different line types have different purposes; for example, to create axes you use one type of line, another to create invisible lines etc. Using different line types to create different objects improves visual perception of graphic data and makes working with drawings more efficient.

Line type is a repeated sequence of lines, dots and spaces along a line or curve. Complex types of lines can contain built-in shapes which are stored in the (*.SHP) shape file. Line types are stored in files with a *.LIN extension. Every type has its own name; sequence of dashes, points, relative lengths of dashes and spaces and other characteristics are specified in a line’s description. One LIN-file can contain many line types.


nanoCAD supports line types created for AutoCAD.

Users can create their own line types by adding their descriptions to an existing LIN-file or creating their own new files. Edit an existing file or create a new file in any text editor or text processor.

User line types (*.LIN) and shape files (*.SHP), which are used in line types are stored in C:\ProgramData\Nanosoft AS\nanoCAD Int 24.0\SHX folder.

There is a built in Linetype editor to create user line types and edit existing ones.

Before using a line type, you have to load it into the drawing. Loaded line types can be renamed when you are working with the drawing. Renaming a line type only changes its description in the current drawing; the name of the line type stays the same in the LIN-file.

Unused line types can be deleted in the Linetype Manger with the Purge command (File menu – Drawing Utilities).

note: By layer, By block and Solid line types cannot be renamed or deleted.

All newly created objects inherit the line type currently set in the Linetype row of the Properties bar.

note: The Linetype drop-down list of the Properties -bar only contains loaded line types, shown in the Linetype Manager.


If a current line type is specified By layer, new objects will have the line types defined for this layer.

Line types can be assigned not only to layers, but also to objects. To change an object’s line type, replace it on the layer with another line type, change the line type of the layer where it is placed or specify another line type especially for the object.

Line types are saved with the document in the *.dwg file. They can be saved in a (*.dwt) file template to transfer to another computer.

Information about all line types in the document is shown in the Linetype Manger. Linetype Manager allows loading, deleting and renaming of line types. There is a button CAD drawing Line Types 5 to open the built-in Edit Linetype dialog box, which allows you to create own line types or edit existing line types.

CAD drafting Line Types 6


Line types

Shows the list of line types loaded in the current document.

CAD software Line Types 7 Status

Displays and sets the current line type.


Displays and edits the name of selected line type.


Displays and edits the face and text description of selected line type.


CAD drawing Line Types 8 

Add linetype

Creates a new style of line type using a selected type from the list as a base.

CAD drafting Line Types 9 

Delete linetype

Removes the selected line type from the current document.

CAD software Line Types 10 

Edit linetype

Opens the Edit Linetype dialog box.

CAD drawing Line Types 11 

Open linetype

Imports line types into the current document.

CAD drafting Line Types 12 

Save linetype

Saves the selected line types into a file with *.LIN extension.


Use paper space units for scaling

Sets the same scale of line types for paper space and model space.

This option is useful if you use several viewports at once.

Global scale factor:

Sets a global scale factor for all line types.

Current object scale:

Sets the scale factor for line types for newly created objects. The scale is a multiplication of the global scale and the current scale.

note: There is a context menu in the Linetype Manger:

CAD software Line Types 13

To set a line type as current:


1.    Select the required line type in the dialog box.

2.    Click in the left field of the selected line type. The CAD drawing Line Types 14 tag appears, the line type is set as current.

To import line types:


1.    Click the CAD drafting Line Types 15 Load line type.

2.    In the Open Line Type Import dialog box, specify the path to load the line type file (*.LIN), containing the descriptions of the line types.

3.    In the Load/Reset Line Types dialog box,select the line types for import. To select several line types, use the SHIFT or CTRL buttons. To select all linetypes at once, click Select All CAD software Line Types 16

4.    Click OK to start loading the selected line types.

5.    Click OK to close the Linetype Manger dialog box.

You can load linetypes from the Properties bar by selecting the Load item in the Linetype field:

CAD drawing Line Types 17

To save line types:


1.    In the dialog box, select one or several line types to export (you can use SHIFT and CTRL buttons).

2.    Click the CAD drafting Line Types 18Save linetype button.

3.    In the Save Line Type Import dialog select the folder and specify a name.

4.    Click the Save button.

5.    Click OK to close the Linetype Manger dialog box.

To delete a line type:


1.    In the dialog box, select one or several line types to delete (you can use SHIFT and CTRL buttons).

2.    Click the CAD software Line Types 19 Delete button.

3.    Click OK to close the Linetype Manger dialog box.

Info: NanoCAD is an easy-to-use, inexpensive, and yet professional, CAD software tool for Windows, that provides a great user experience by providing top-level performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all industries. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D drawing and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our freeware supports creative, collaborative and customizable features to improve your efficiency, and includes a number of API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD software development. You may download nanoCad for free, using the links below, and purchase later, in case you like it.
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