The ncad.lsp file
The root nanoCAD folder contains important ncad.lsp file that is being automatically loaded on nanoCAD session start. The ncad.lsp is a text file that should have a correct LISP application structure. It can include function definitions, command definitions (they are to be created as functions with the C: prefix) as well as executable LISP expressions and comments.
After loading ncad.lsp a message in command line is generated. It displays names of the commands defined inside the file, e.g.:
nCad.lsp loaded. Commands: RESETVAR, DWGCLEAR
It is possible to include executable expressions in ncad.lsp file to load additional applications, set values for LISP variables and etc.:
(setq @@PATH "D:\\MyPlugins\\")
;Loading applications
(load (strcat @@PATH "lspplugin.lsp"))
(arxload (strcat @@PATH "nrxplugin.nrx"))
(appload (strcat @@PATH "nsfplugin.nsf"))