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Table Styles .dwg

CAD drafting Table Styles .dwg 0    Ribbon: Annotate – Tables – CAD software Table Styles .dwg 1

CAD drawing Table Styles .dwg 2    Menu: Format > CAD drafting Table Styles .dwg 3 Table styles…

CAD software Table Styles .dwg 4    Dialog Insert table: CAD drawing Table Styles .dwg 5

CAD drafting Table Styles .dwg 6 Command line: DTABLESTYLE


The command opens the Table style dialog box, in which you can create and change styles of .dwg tables.

CAD software Table Styles .dwg 7



List of styles of .dwg tables in the document. It's content is regulated by the List drop-down list.


Determines what styles should be displayed in the Styles list: all styles or only styles in use.

Preview of

Preview window that displays an assumed view of the table created using style selected in the Styles list.

Set current

Makes current the style selected in the Styles field.


Opens the Create New Table Style dialog box to crate a new style based on that selected in the Styles field.

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Clicking the Continue button opens the Modify Table Style dialog box as described below.


Opens the Modify Table Style dialog box to edit the style selected in the Styles field.


Deletes the style selected in the Styles field.

To rename the style, double-click it in the Styles list.

Modifying Table Style

The Modify Table Style dialog box opens when editing the current or creating a new style.

CAD drafting Table Styles .dwg 9


Select table to start from

Selects the table on the drawing to use as a sample when forming this table style. In the current software version the function is not realized.

Table direction

Sets the direction of placing data in the table. When selecting Down value, the table is created with data reading direction from top to bottom. When selecting Up value, the table is created with data reading direction from bottom to top.

·         Down. Title row and header row of columns are located in the top part of the table. If you select Insert rows and click Down, a new row is inserted below the current one.

·         Up. Title row and header row of columns are located in the bottom part of the table. If you select Insert rows and click Up, a new row is inserted above the current one.

Cell styles

Is intended to determine a new cell style or change the current cell style. It is possible to create any number of cell styles.

Drop-down list of cell styles

Selects and displays cell styles used in the table.

CAD software Table Styles .dwg 10 Create a new cell style

Opens the Create New Table dialog box to create a new cell style based on that selected in the drop-down list.

CAD drawing Table Styles .dwg 11 Manage Cells Styles

Opens the Manage Cell Styles dialog box.

General tab

CAD drafting Table Styles .dwg 12

Fill color

Specifies background color for cells.


Specifies the text alignment in the table cells. Relative to upper and lower cells borders the text can be aligned center, top or bottom. The text can be aligned center, left or right relative to left and right cell borders.


Determines the data type and formatting for table rows containing data column headers and table title.


Determines the cell style: Label or Data.


Specifies the distance between text/block and left and right cell borders.


Specifies the distance between text/block and upper and lower cell borders.

Merge cells on row/column creation

When creating a new row/column using the current cell style, the cells of this row/column are merged in one cell. Using this option you can create a title row in the top of the table.

Text tab

CAD software Table Styles .dwg 13

Text style

List of available text styles. Button CAD drawing Table Styles .dwg 14 opens the Text Style dialog box, in which you can create or change text styles.

Text height

Specifies the text height.

Text color

Specifies the text color.

Text angle

Specifies the text rotation angle. It is possible to enter any angle from -359 to +359 degrees.

Borders tab

CAD drafting Table Styles .dwg 15


Assigns lineweight to borders, which are set using the Border button. When using wide lines, you may need to increase spaces from cell borders.


Linetype to be applied to borders set by the user. Select Load to load the user linetype.


Specifies color to be applied to borders specified by the borders selection button.

Double line

Displays table borders in form of double lines.


Determines the spacing for borders displayed in form of double lines.

Border buttons

Applies weight and color of lines to all border or only to certain parts.


Info: NanoCAD is an easy-to-use, cheap, and yet powerful, CAD software tool for Windows, that delivers a great user experience by providing high performance, full capability, a classic interface and native.dwg format support. nanoCAD has been built to deliver design and project documentation for all industries. nanoCAD includes a full suite of basic and advanced CAD tools for 2D/3D drafting and creating industry-standard DWG-compatible CAD files. Our software ensures innovative, collaborative and customizable features to enhance your efficiency, and includes a few API's, allowing anything from routine task automation to complex CAD application development. You may try nanoCad for free, using the links below, and buy later, in case you like it.
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